My 1040 guy offers an online platform to the individual to file his or her personal federal and state(s) [as applicable]. My 1040 guy is a trade name of Mohave Tax Clinic, a 35 year business in the income tax preparation profession. Mohave Tax Clinic is a family (mom snd pop) owned business holding to the Christian ethic. As my 1040 guy, we partner with Drake Software, also a Christian firm, and their online platform.
My 1040 guy offers an online platform to the individual to file his or her personal federal and state(s) [as applicable]. My 1040 guy is a trade name of Mohave Tax Clinic, a 35 year business in the income tax preparation profession. Mohave Tax Clinic is a family (mom snd pop) owned business holding to the Christian ethic. As my 1040 guy, we partner with Drake Software, also a Christian firm, and their online platform.